Janet O’Neil is known for vibrant acrylic paintings and watercolors that walk a fine line between real and abstract. A current professor of graphic design and illustration at a New Jersey University, Janet discovered painting at a young age. She loves to use brilliant color to create the natural world around her, exploring the familiar and unexpected.
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Scarlet tanager
Preparing for a show. Several new pieces have been submitted to a juried window show. The exhibit will be viewable outside from the sidewalk. New Pieces Include Landscapes, flowers, and birds From flowers to hiking imagery to…
Bird Study
Painting birds. This is a study of a baby bluebird that I wanted to paint to try a new acrylic technique. I learn from the best and hope my style keeps improving. bluebird with yellow 8 x…
Gerber Daisy Study
Gerbera Daisy Meaning. The meaning stems from the general daisy family and stands for innocence and purity, as well as being a classic symbol of beauty. However, the gerbera variety holds an added meaning of cheerfulness, which…